Rituals for Love

Rituals are tools that help us direct the purpose of our lives. Our task is to seize and shape this freedom consciously and deliberately and joyfully!

I have always been drawn to designing and enjoying rituals for many elements in my life. Including cooking ( consciously thinking LOVE while cutting and stirring food ) something Marcea Klein taught me in Macro cooking classes  in 1979-80. I loved the possibility that what I thought as I prepared and cooked may affect the quality of the food.

Then I’m my early studies and explorations of Tantra and sacred love I began to study ritual. Kerry and I studied at Moore University, an campus of Berkeley University in California in 1987, I was 5 months pregnant with my third child and there they studied Human Potential, and dynamics of gender polarity. I remember being introduced , through a welcome dinner especially prepared for us and served to us as if we were the king and queen, in class they talked about setting up your bedroom or space as a very special place ( no shirts or shoes or mess) and to prepare as if a special dignitary was to visit.

Preparing space and mind to create the bridge physically and psychologically between our regular ordinary selves and the self of sacred lover. Later on that visit to the US we studied with Larry Collins, a big sexual Tantric Buddhist teacher from whom we learnt to so. I give deep gratitude to these early teachers of mine. For from them sharing these perspectives and tools with me I have deepened and integrated making ritual a cornerstone of my life.